Renate BaderThe biologist and journalist (M.Sc.) has published articles in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild der Wissenschaft, spektrumdirekt, Tagesanzeiger in Zurich and the Nürnberger Nachrichten, among others, as well as on German radio WDR, SFB and HR. As a researcher at the Institute of Journalism of the Free University of Berlin, since 1990 she has established Germany's first chair of science journalism together with Prof. Winfried Göpfert and worked as a lecturer in science journalism at home and abroad. She was associate editor of the journal "Public Understanding of Science" and a correspondent for the international network PUST Germany. After studying biology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, she studied agricultural journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in Madison, USA, and worked for the science section of Die Welt. She received a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (biology) and the DAAD (journalism in the U.S.) as well as from the science journalism program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. For years, Bader has been active as an author and editor of corporate publications as well as a speechwriter. This native of Hesse is interested in science and technology as well as in their history and sociology. She is fascinated by the techniques of New Journalism and, besides her love for letters, cares for her herb garden in Potsdam. bader@constart.com | 0049 172 6729795
Andreas BluschkeBorn in Halberstadt, Germany, the cameraman and editor today lives in Linz, Austria. He learned the technical basis for film and television in three semesters of media technology at the Technical University of Ilmenau, and gained his practical experience during his training at a regional television station in Lower Austria. After successful completion of this training, he started as a cinematographer with his own editing suite. The prizes soon followed: Third prize in advertising Goldener Hahn awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria; his music video for "The Rioters" among the top 10 in the Austrian music video contest screen sessions. Other projects include two documentaries for the city of Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs, Austria. His films impress with their attention to detail, while his trademark is the perfect picture composition both technically and dramatically. bluschke@constart.com | +43 676 4071856
Claus BorgenheimerThe sense of the moment is the strength of this humorous Hessen from Jugenheim, Germany. This allows the free photographer to capture unique images of life in all its fascination and vitality. On his pictorial travels he shows what is humanly important: whether on foot or on camel, from east to west through the Sinai or in the camper with his wife and daughter through Europe: no journey is too far to take a special picture. His collection of 14 years of photo journalism includes a colorful spectrum of the specifically human in private and public life. borgenheimer@constart.com | +49 (0) 172 6352531
Andreas von BubnoffGerman by birth, lives in New York City, where he works as a freelance science journalist. His articles have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Prevention Magazine, Nature, Nature Medicine, Small Times (Contributing Editor) and the Monterey County Herald, Ãrztezeitung, and in other newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Germany. He is a graduate of the Santa Cruz Science Communication Program and the AAAS Mass Media Fellow of the Chicago Tribune. Before he began working as a science journalist, he earned his PhD from the University of Freiburg with a thesis in molecular biology at the University of California, Irvine. Prior to this he studied biology at the University of Freiburg and in Seattle, Washington. bubnoff@constart.com | +01 646 5779542
Bruce CordinglyBruce Cordingly works in Seattle as a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker. A graduate of the Columbia School of Journalism, he has written, among others, for the Queens Chronicle. In 2004 he presented two documentaries: about the grief of parents who lost their children in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and about the plight of non-insured Americans who are struggling with serious illnesses. Previously he was a speechwriter for U.S. Senator Slade Gorton in Washington DC, and wrote for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. His interests include politics, education and finance. cordingly@constart.com | +01 (646) 418 320 3
Vanessa de l'OrFreelance journalist and correspondent for the magazine for political culture, Cicero, with numerous contributions as well as interviews and portraits of famous people. Other publications have appeared in Die Zeit, Handelsblatt, Die Welt, The Guardian, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, plus contributions to corporate publishing with portraits of famous scientists. In addition, she writes articles and speeches for entrepreneurs and managers. The former Handelsblatt editor is a graduate economist and also a specialist in Eastern Europe with a focus on Russia - whether economic, political or cultural. She lives in Berlin and speaks fluent Russian, English, French and Spanish. delor@constart.com. +49 30 88710 575
Kirsten EinfeldtKirsten Einfeldt is an art historian and freelance journalist with a penchant for feuilleton issues and cross-over coverage of art, culture and life. Her portraits, interviews and reports from Hamburg, Vienna, Spain, Mexico and Berlin are published in Art, Geo Special, DU, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Berliner Zeitung, Tagesspiegel and international print and online media. Recently published: Modern Art in Mexico. Space, material and national identity (2010); Not Berlin and not Shanghai. Art Practice on the Periphery (2009, with Mona Schieren). Writing about international culture has fascinated her since her studies at the Leibniz Kolleg in Tübingen, which she then deepened in Marburg, Hamburg and Barcelona. After studies in Hispanic Studies and European Ethnology, she emigrated to Mexico and did her doctorate in Mexico City and Hamburg on Latin American art. She speaks fluent English, Spanish, French, and German, of course. Kirsten Einfeldt lives and works in Berlin. einfeldt@constart.com skype: keinfeldt1
Katja FischbornNordic by nature, the journalist has a natural fondness for letters. She was a trainee at Jever's weekly magazine in Frisian. Thanks to her, the weekly youth page info.nord gained freshness, where she wrote the youth news for all departments from politics to local. Afterwards she studied journalism at the University of Dortmund - thesis on "Ready For Violence? How and why do newspaper readers receive messages containing violence?" In North Rhine-Westphalia she works as a freelance journalist for the Ruhr Nachrichten and Die Welt Kompakt. The focus of her work is social policy and everything that interests young people. She always has her camera in her hand luggage - favorite genre: the documentary. fischborn@constart.com | 0049 179 115 719 3
Robert B. FishmanGraduated from the German Journalist School, Munich. His specialty is remote corners where he discovers stories about people. With notebook, tape recorder and digital camera he travels through the living environment from his own front door to distant climes. This leads to journalistic travel book reports from Brittany, Provence, the Harz, Carpathian villages in Romania or major German cities. Unique features include interviews with heartening people: an Israeli conscientious objector, a Tunisian human rights activist or unemployed youth in Western Pomerania. The versatile, skilled lawyer also writes stories on service and self-help. His unique content is published, for example, in the taz, Baedeker, polyglot, WDR, Deutschlandfunk, Schweizer Sonntagszeitung, Der Standard and magazines. fishman@constart.com | +49 (0) 170 963 285 0
Max HenningerBrings print, online and television journalism in harmony. After a year's internship at Starshot, a young, trendy cycling magazine, he did an internship at the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung in Heidelberg, followed by freelance work. He studied online journalism at the Technical University in Darmstadt and deepened his skills in TV journalism at the Rhein-Neckar-Fernsehen. After college, he wrote, among others, for Die Zeit online and completed another internship at dpa in Frankfurt. Driven by wanderlust, the online journalist decided to do work for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (DIZ), formerly German Development Service, with a development scholarship in public relations for Kabul, Afghanistan. Which is where Max can be found since March 2007. Focus of his reporting: themes and images about Afghanistan, studying, Internet, sports and lifestyle. henninger@constart.com | Tel: Germany +49 (0) 179 243 376 4 | in Afghanistan +93 (0) 799 340 729
Rainer JundStudied medicine in Munich, an ENT specialist and a medical journalist. From the need to publish scientifically, his passion grew to write and talk about popular science. His extensive oeuvre includes works, selection and editing for online portals, print media, radio and TV. He likes to write and speak about the fascination of humans and medicine, and has a penchant for working on complex issues and advises publishing houses and media. He is enthusiastic about the combination of controversial issues and moderates medical events. jund@constart.com | +49 0177 5915074
Richa MalhotraRicha Malhotra is a freelance science writer and blogger based in London. She has been actively contributing stories to Current Science journal, an Indian Academy of Sciences publication for the past couple of years. Her works have appeared on blogs hosted by Nature and Scientific American, and in magazines such as Nature India and Current Conservation. During her full-time stint at Current Science, she not only reported science stories, but also handled editorial responsibilities including editing, copy-editing, rewriting and commissioning. She researched, drafted and distributed press releases, and helped enhance the visibility of Current Science in the mainstream and online media. In 2010 she was among the very few journalists selected from across India to work on the Newsletter Team of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Before making a commitment to a career in science writing, she earned a Master's degree in Biotechnology. malhotra@constart.com
Nigel J. LuhmanA Brit, freelance copywriter and journalist, living in Berlin since 1988, where he is able to pursue his love of movies, music and the media. As a former correspondent for Moving Pictures (now Screen International), he is a regular at the Berlinale and the IFA World of Consumer Electronics. A graduate of Cambridge University, he writes in finest English prose on scientific, medical and technical subjects, while reporting on everything that doesn't fall under the above categories. Or politics. The specialist for "we need it by yesterday" he remains unfazed as the deadline looms. Professional photos are likewise no big deal. luhman@constart.com | +49 (0) 30 61653924 or 0700 NJLUHMAN
Christian MeierChristian Meier is a physicist and freelance science journalist who has been working in Darmstadt since 2005. He writes for Spectrum Direkt, VDI Nachrichten, Berliner Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, dpa and other media on physics and technology. He enjoys writing about exciting research and future applications than can dramatically change people's everyday lives, such as nanotechnology and quantum information processing. Prior to his decision to devote himself to science journalism, he worked as a scientific editor at Springer-Verlag, and as a technical and documentarist for empolis, a provider of content and knowledge management solutions. meier@constart.com +49 (0) 6151 3927208
Jan Thomas OtteThe freelance journalist studied theology at the University of Heidelberg. He acquired additional qualifications in business studies at the University of Augsburg and in psychology at the University of Erlangen, parallel to training in journalism at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. He is a Research Fellow of Princeton University. His specialty: close-ups of heads. He is currently researching between Philadelphia and New York City, reporting and writing features for such magazines as Spiegel Online, the Rheinischer Merkur, and Germany Kultur. A passionate cyclist, he combines the themes of theology, culture and economic relationships with church, God, money and the media. otte@constart.com | +1 609 7128406
Regine Ounas-KräuselAn expert in "green" issues based in the region delimited by the southern Black Forest, Basel, and Alsace. She began her career with an apprenticeship in a tree nursery and gardening studies at the Fachhochschule Weihenstephan, Freising. Since 2000, Regine Ounas-Kräusel has been working on behalf of Badischer Zeitung, Südkurier and the regional newspaper, Der Sonntag. Occasionally, she writes for the magazine Deutscher Gartenbau. With note pad and camera, and a good knowledge of French, her preferred topics are all related to energy, the environment and research, for example geothermal, bionics or cross-border nature conservation projects. ounas-kraeusel@constart.com | +49 (0)7621 43672
Tania RabesandratanaFrench-born multilingual science journalist, based in Brussels after happy stints in the UK, Austria and Chile. Tania has covered the EU institutions' science and innovation policies on behalf of Research Europe in 2010-12, after five years working as a communication officer for science organizations including the European Southern Observatory. She has covered a broad range of subjects, from rally-raids in the Sahara to chemical technology in Prague, in print and on the web as well as for broadcast media. Her work has appeared among others: in Brussels monthly The Bulletin, Flemish weekly Flanders Today, and on news channel France 24. Tania speaks fluent French, English, Spanish, Catalan and German, and holds an MSc in science communication from Imperial College London as well as a biology degree from University Paris-Sud. tania@constart.com | | +32 (0)497 79 39 49
Christina ReedA free, nomadic living science journalist. She writes for Scientific American, New Scientist, Science and Nature. As a screenwriter, she worked for the Discovery Science Channel and stood in front of the camera as a participant in The Learning Channel reality television show Escape from Experiment Island. She is the author of Earth Science: Decade by Decade, and Marine Science: Decade by Decade. As a graduate of Columbia University she has two master's degrees in earth sciences and journalism and a bachelor's degree in ocean research from the University of Washington in Seattle. She lived for four years in Washington, D.C., working as an editor for Egotisms. She was also a science coordinator for the 3D IMAX film Aliens of the Deep, a daring 1,000 meters below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in the Russian submarine MIR. Other sea expeditions brought her to the North Atlantic and to the Galapagos Islands. She currently lives in Paris. reed@constart.com | +33 6 34 87 84 19
Anja ReumschuesselFeels at home in Rhine Hesse and the whole world. The print and online journalist learned her craft while working for the Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz and Alzey for the past ten years. More of her articles were published in the taz, body&mind, idea Spektrum, Israel Today, Rheinpfalz. During an internship at a Palestinian news agency she also worked as a video journalist. Master of Mass Communication, Sociology and Theology in Mainz, traveled the the wide world during semester breaks “backpacking in Australia, volunteering in the Andes of Peru and the scrubland of Nigeria. Notebook and camera always in the backpack. Worked as a nurse's assistent in hospitals. She loves life and people with all their everyday, and yet unusal, stories. At the moment, she is living as a freelance journalist in Bethlehem, studies Arabic and the middle east conflict and writes about Israel, the Westbank and other topics. Favorite topics: Travels and cultures, christianity and islam, internet and social media, people and their stories. Pictures to her stories are included. reumschuessel@constart.com | +972 - (0)59 - 721 77 57 (PS) | +972 - (0)54 - 65 15 645 (IL) | +49-176-801 405 31
Aitziber Romero BengoetxeaSpanish by nature, biology and biochemistry are the specialties of the science journalist, who completed her biochemistry studies at the Universidad de Navarra and journalism at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Funded by Erasmus and Leonardo scholarships, she is familiar with DNA and dpa. In Jena, she carried out research at the Leibniz-Institute for Age Research in molecular genetics and biomedicine, trained as a graphic designer at dpa-infografik in Hamburg and worked as an online editor at Deutsche Welle in Bonn. She speaks fluent Spanish, English and German and blogs about science communication. romero@constart.com +49 (0) 179 728 72 76
Kerstin RothFrom Wiesbaden, Germany, Kerstin studied journalism in Mainz and Leicester and was a trainee at the WAZ newspaper group. With a license to write, she worked in the field of corporate publishing as an editor for the FAZ-Institut in Frankfurt and Pleon in Düsseldorf, for example. As a freelance journalist, she enjoys the fresh air because features and reports demand being in situ: for a story about a German emigrant she flies into the Australian bush or goes into the Münsterland to fathom the appeal of diamonds. She grinds her texts like precious stones. Favorite topics: life, lifestyle and leisure & travel. roth@constart.com | 0049 63 7037056
Dr. Rüdiger SchachtMarine geologist, freelance science writer, book author and photographer. Born 1962 in Kiel. After years in climate, polar and marine research he left science in 2005 to write for several national (e.g. DIE WELT, SZ, FAZ) and local (e.g. Kieler Nachrichten) newspapers, science magazines (e.g. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, P.M., Natur+Kosmos) and online (e.g ZEIT-Online) about marine and climate themes. His latest book project is about climate research and the understatement of science in public. In private he loves to cook, drink espresso coffee, play the guitar and dance floor dancing (standard and latin). Widespreaded network into the leading climate, polar and marine sciences institutes worldwide. schacht@constart.com , Tel. ++49 (0)179 3242391
Katrin SchwahlenThis Berliner from the Sauerland combines biology and journalism with substance. After graduation, she worked for several years as a permanent and freelance journalist in a truly versatile fashion for Tagesspiegel, Elle, Madame, Freitag, zitty, among many others. Today, the online editor, content manager and web conceptioner creates cross-media content from science and society, mobility and logistics. His principle: thinking, reading, writing. And to pass on knowledge beyond journalistic horizons. schwahlen@constart.com | 0049 0160 4769513.
Dino TrescherDino Trescher is a science journalist and founder of Constart Correspondent Network. As primus inter pares of the network he primarily writes about societal topics in the field of science, business, technology and politics. In an editorial team with Christian Meier and Romero Aitziber he won scholarships from the Science Journalism Initiative on nano materials and risk research as well as on EU research funding - courtesy of the Robert Bosch Foundation, and came 3rd in the Science Journalism Contest at the European Science Open Forum 2010 in Turin. Since 1997 he has been working as a journalist with publications among others: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Financial Times Deutschland, Tagesspiegel, Technology Review, Euroscientist, Message - Int. Journal for Journalism, Science Management etc. He studied science communication at the Technical University Berlin and Media and Communication with a spezialization in Journalism at the Ravensburg University of Cooperative Education, while working as a reporter for the newspaper Südkurier in Constance, a member of the Georg von Holtzbrinck publishing group. The mountaineer and saxophonist lives and works in Berlin and Weinheim. trescher@constart.com | +49 (0)172 900 33 72
Rüdiger VossbergRüdiger Vossberg was born in Kiel and has been living in (West) Berlin since 1985. He worked as a physics engineer at the laboratories of AEG and Siemens, before he took off his white coat and picked up the pen. After that he kept himself comfortably afloat for many years with nationwide travel reports and photos. Later he wrote as a science journalist for the science pages of the Berliner Morgenpost, and the (internet) technology pages of the Saarbrücker Zeitung. His motto: bringing IT issues and science news in an entertaining way and quickly to the point. The journalist has been online since 1996, has conducted seminars on "Journalism & the Internet" and has specialized in applied search engine optimization. If any time is left, he strums his blues guitar on the sofa. His dream: to compose a worldwide hit with Gary Moore and Keith Richards. His goal: don't meet trouble halfway. Even when you write! vossberg@constart.com 0049 179 5245843
Sebastian WeissgerberSebastian Weissgerber was born in and remains deeply rooted in the Rhine area. Even before his bachelor of science in journalism at the Technical University of Darmstadt in 2008 he was working as a freelancer for the Frankfurter Rundschau, and still does so. He gained experience in the automotive department, reporting and business. The science journalist specializes in the life science industry, telling complex topics in a fascinating way, such as processes and procedures for genetic testing or alternative methods to animal testing, for scientific and business sections on regional daily newspapers. In addition to his journalistic flair he developed his own editorial series, including the one-year monitoring of four teenagers entering the job market, in order to report on long-term issues like shortage of apprenticeship training and feature them in a reader-oriented manner in the local section. weissgerber@constart.com | +49 (0)176 63087405
Sabine WirthSabine Wirth has been an archaeologist and freelance science journalist since 2007, based in Cologne. Her interest in archeology and history was aroused when traveling as a child. She studied history, geology and geography in Bonn and Marburg, and now writes for various magazines and history magazines, such as Damals, Epoc, PM Magazine, Ecco, etc. After project assignments in museums and ancient monuments, she worked for many years for a lifestyle magazine in Cologne. Here she reported on journalistic fields such as culture, economics, sports and events. The passion for archeology, however, led her back to her true métier, the science and feuilleton journalism. Thanks to training as a science editor at mibeg Institute, Cologne, she gained expertise in science communication as well as the publishing and media industry. Her concern is to bring the fascinating world of archeology to readers and listeners. In private, she plays the piano and sings in a choir. wirth@constart.com 0049 170 8016711

Journalists as watchdogsJournalists are the eyes of ordinary people in search for meaning and truth.
Kathryn O' Hara