Passionate about journalismWe are journalists and media makers with brains and hearts. Together, we create
unique stories for print, online, and broadcast media. In research and editing teams we combine our knowledge and our mindset in the search for the most interesting stories, clever headlines and the appropriate text and multimedia
formats. We synchronize our work in integrated research and editorial teams.
The core competence of each correspondent is his or her journalistic expertise in their field. Together with the information, know-how and contacts of the other
correspondents, unique stories evolve. The Constart Correspondent Network is therefore more than the sum of its parts: We are a network of correspondents, a community of free and independent journalists publishing in all formats. Prestigious newspapers, trade and consumer magazines, books, TV and radio
shows, and corporate media with a journalistic approach are produced with content made by Constart correspondents.
Here is a list of references and customers.

keyboard instrumentsPlaying the piano is composed of reason, heart and technical means. Everything should be equally developed. Without reason, you are a fiasco, with no technique an amateur, a machine without a heart. The profession has its dangers.
Vladimir Horowitz